Saturday, June 23, 2012

Soy Flour Pancakes

With the kids being home for their Summer vacation, I love to come up with (read experiment) new and  healthier recipes for breakfast. During the school year everything gets fast paced. Now love the fact that they can just chill out relax and  take it easy. Also I just love not having to wake up to the alarm clock, making sure the kids are up and ready for school, their lunches packed  etc get the picture right.  

These pancakes are made with soy flour and wheat flour. I've also used buttermilk instead of milk.This has made the pancakes soft , fluffy and delicious. Not to forget healthy as well. 

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 cup soy flour
  • 1/2 cup wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 2 tbsp sugar
Preparation :
In a bowl whisk together Soy flour, wheat flour, baking powder and sugar. In another bowl mix together the beaten egg and buttermilk. Now pour the egg and milk mixture into the dry mixture and stir till well combined. Pour about 1/4 cup batter onto a hot griddle or Tava. Let it cook until bubbly for about 2 minutes and then turn. Continue to cook until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup or honey and some fresh strawberries. This recipe yields  4-5 pancakes.


  1. lovely yum and delicious pancakes.

  2. Delicious pancakes . Wonderful pics.

  3. wow ur pic looks alive...guess u r enjoying the holidays with lil ones..i have 3 more weeks for summer holidays..

  4. healthy n nutritious pan cake.....yum

  5. Hello Dolly, thanks for visiting me and for your interest in guest hosting "Around the World". Love to follow u!! Moreover, could you please email me country of your choice and the month you would like to host. Email me at

    Around the World


  6. Looks so inviting and delicious...mouthwatering!

  7. hi dolly, thanks a bunch for leaving those lovely comments on both my blogs:)
    Soy pancakes is a first for me, ive never really come across any...they do looks soft and fluffy

  8. I have never tried soy pancakes. Looks fantastic!
